Eternal Father, Strong to Save - Christian Navy Hymn with lyrics / Hymn to the Sea

Christian Hymns playlist:

Words: Will­iam Whit­ing, 1860. He wrote the lyr­ics as a po­em for a stu­dent about to sail for Amer­i­ca.

Music: Melita, John B. Dykes, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1861. Dykes fit­ting­ly named the tune af­ter a lo­cale as­so­ci­at­ed with a Bib­li­cal ship­wreck. Mel­i­ta was the
isl­and the Apos­tle Paul reached af­ter his ship went down (Acts 28:1); to­day we know it as the isle of Mal­ta.


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