The War of Truth! - Charles Spurgeon Sermon
The War of Truth! - Charles Spurgeon Sermon
"And Moses said unto Joshua, Choose us out men, and go out, fight with Amalek: to morrow I will stand on the top of the hill with the rod of God in mine hand." Exodus 17:9 (King James Version / KJV)
#SpurgeonPreaching #God #ReformedTheology #Christianity #Christian #Jesus #Gospel #Christ #preaching #England #UK #UnitedKingdom #CharlesSpurgeon #Spurgeon #SpurgeonSermons #CHSpurgeon #Bible #reformedpreacher #reformedpastor #reformedsermon #reformedminister #reformedbaptist #faith #ChristianFaith #baptist #PrinceOfPreachers #JesusChrist #God #TRUTH #JesusIsTheTruth
Jesus Christ the only truth to to get us into heaven as our lawyer at heavens court the only way to paradise by the tree of Life to us on the cross and the only life by which we can have eternal happiness to come